yoko nagai(ヨーコ・ナガイ)

singer-songwriter シンガーソングライター

A ‘Deep’ and ‘glossy’ voice rides upon on a simple piano. Sometimes soft, sometimes brave, her unforgettable melodies knock directly on people’s hearts and in an instant draw them into her world.

Born in Utsunomiya, Japan, yoko has been in music since she was 2 years old. Under the influence of her father, she was devoted to a steady diet of classical piano such as Bach, Beethoven and other great composers and participated and often with reward in many contests.

At age of 7, she experienced Michael Jackson’s music and was awakened to the power of songs and started writing lyrics.

In 1999, she was awarded the grand-prix at the Avanti Acoustic Live contest broadcasted and sponsored by Kyoto TV.

From 2000 to 2001 while studying in Vancouver, Canada, she continued performing in various bar venues and at Japanese community/multi-cultural events. Vancouver Japanese television ICAS went as far as to introduce her unique existence as the only ‘Japanese student musician in Canada’ by broadcasting a documentary interview with her in April 2001. Although only for a short time of 9 months, her experiences abroad manifested a musical energy within her, which remains strong to this day. 

In 2007 she entered Brighton Institute of Modern Music in the UK. Learned songwriting from Jez Ashurst (Farrah, Kaela Kimura, YUKI), Steve Hillier (Dubster, Keane), and Ian Archer (Snow Patrol). In addition to live activities, he has provided music to singers and has held numerous sessions as a pianist.

In June 2010 released her debut album “girl” which was recorded in between Japan and the UK, where she worked with producer Dan Leavers(The Comet Is Coming, Soccer96), recording engineer Colin Walker(Carlene Anderson) and mastering engineer George Lambert (Underworld, Tony Braxton, Incognito).

In 2012, “Te no naka ni”, which went on become the opening song for the Internet broadcasting program “Miyaradi” from her home Utsunomiya.

In 2014, released 3 titles of singles “Te no naka ni”, “Yumeiro Time Capsule” and “Ichiban Utsukushii Mono”. All songs and the artwork are self-produced.

In 2016, the 2nd album “Midnight Kingdom” was released. Recording with musicians in Brighton, UK and working with Dan Leavers (The Comet Is Coming, Soccer96) as a mixing engineer.

In April 2023, “VICTORIA!” will be released. The self-produced new song released for the first time in seven years after marriage and childbirth is a cheering song for all listeners with the theme of overcoming oneself and accepting oneself as one is.

In May 2023, the album “Traveler”, which was independently produced 20 years ago, was remastered and digitally released.

She believes in making the most of her time and life by writing, singing and performing in every community of which she is part. yoko nagai is an artist of many passions, yet she believes that the best is still to come.



1999年 全曲英詞の”I’ll go straight”をピアノ弾き語りで歌い、京都テレビ主催「第三回アバンティアコースティックライブコンテスト」でグランプリ受賞。

2000年 カナダに留学。ヴァンクーヴァー市内にあるバーやカフェ、イベント等で演奏の機会を得る。その活動が日系テレビICASの目に留まり、特別番組が製作・放映される。都市全体に根付くアーティスティックな風土、多文化に富んだ生活の中での人との出会い、多様な音楽の発見が後の方向性に大きな影響を与えることとなる。

2007年 渡英。ブライトン・インスティテュート・オブ・モダン・ミュージックにてジェズ・アシャースト(ファラー、木村カエラ、YUKI)、スティーヴ・ヒリヤー(ダブスター、キーン)、イアン・アーチャー(元スノー パトロール)よりソングライティングを学ぶ。ライヴ活動はもとより、シンガーへの楽曲提供、ピアニストとしても数々のセッションを重ねる。


2012年 シングル「手の中に」が、宇都宮から発信するインターネット番組「ミヤラジ」の8月オープニング曲となる。

2014年 シングル「手の中に」「夢色タイムカプセル」「いちばん美しいもの」3タイトルリリース。全曲セルフプロデュース、ジャケットのアートワークも手がける。

2016年 2nd アルバム「Midnight Kingdom」リリース。イギリス・ブライトンのミュージシャンとレコーディング。ミキシングエンジニアにダン・リーヴァーズ(ザ・コメット・イズ・カミング)を迎える。

2023年4月 「VICTORIA!」リリース。結婚・出産後、7年ぶりに発表したセルフプロデュースの新曲は、己に打ち克ち、ありのままの姿を受け入れることをテーマにした全てのリスナーへの応援歌でもある。

2023年5月 20年前に自主制作したアルバム「Traveler」をリマスタリングし、デジタルリリース。